- I can taste blood in my throat. I wonder if it's bad.
- I want to quit the smokes but everytime I get stressed, I need to light up.
- I wish we had 3 day weekends.
- It puzzles me why I am never attracted to Dr Jack, but Sawyer and Sayyid Jarrah instead. I mean aren't we supposed to fall in love with the goodie two shoes ones (although Dr Jack got tattoos done in Thailand and that means he could be quite fun) ones? Oh yes, I forget, we fall in love with the interesting (heartbreaker) ones and then end up marrying the goodie-two shoes ones and leading a fucking boring life instead.
- I know Heroes is big, but I only just started watching it. No crushes on anyone yet. Sylar seems like a potential candidate though.
- Sometimes, I see dead people on the LRT. I don't know about you but they sure as hell look dead to me.
- I am scared of death. But I might flirt with him if I ever saw him coz he is like the ultimate badass in the world.
- I hate my condo management fellows.
- I also hate mosquitoes.
- And oats. No gunk is good gunk.
- I miss kGbee
- I like the word phlegm
- I desperately want to believe in God. But I am always in doubt.
- All food outlets at Daman.sara Per.dana suck eggs.
- I've never had the patience to sit through an Oprah show.
- Stupid MPs who talk about periods (so tada kelas la!) annoy the fuck outta me
- I never dated a gorgeous man
- Because when gorgeous men look at me, I think that they're probably thinking "OMG, she's hideous".
Outta time. Sekian.
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