Tuesday, July 25, 2006

i.e. There's a pregnant Cackler in our midst.

(Relax kG, the babe’s not mine! You'll hafta wait a couple more years to become an uncle)

Halfling (half-keling) is preggers. No doubt she’ll be missing many of our gatherings henceforth but no we’re not worried coz well, we're all excited.

While the Halfling is not the first amma in the group - we also have Shorts who’s had Kel…but that was yonks before she met us so we've never really had a pregnant Cackler before this. I suppose this also means that we’ll have to plan one of those shower thingies soon!! (No penis cake this time, girls, sorry!)

So yeah, the Cacklers convened again on Saturday nacht, this time at .Pla.net. .Holly.wood. because somebody was supposedly stalking the Medallion Man, who is one of the dudes from NRG, the band which was performing there that night (that stalking bit was her ruse to get the Halfling to come out and be with us at PH that night).

Someone suggested that the theme colour for the night was purple, so we had to get purple gifts in purple wrappers etc. We were also told to try and wear something purple but because I did not want to end up looking like a PurplePeopleEater, I wore black. I did however use purple and gold eyeshadow (stop snickering kG!) !

It was also to celebrate the Halfling's birthday which actually happened more than one month ago. Her birthday falls on the same day as the ex, Jake's, which is why I know when it is. I had gently reminded the Cacklers about it in a mail about a month prior to that, when we were planning that steamboat thingy at The Halfling's place (Cacklers: remember???) so I assumed that everyone had updated their birthday records accordingly. But as is typical with the Cacklers, none bothered to do that, and then when they forgot, they blamed me!

Now, I’m not going to give you a report on what happened at the meeting because like all Cackler meetings, this one comprised a lot of cam-whoring, flirting, bitching, flashing (Wot? Don’t lookit moi! I girl! I shy! It was Toots who flashed me her purple thong right there at PH.) and ritualistic sex - amalans that only self-absorbed people like the Cacklers would be entertained by, so I'll spare y'all.

But just to please the Cackler fanclub la kan, I'll give a summary.

We met, we cackled, we had fun, we oggled at the lead singer [yg sungguh macho dan cun tapi seluarnya londeh but is forgiven for the kelondehan of his seluar coz he chose to sing the song I had requested (Mungkin Nanti by Peter Pan)], Ashburn headbanged to some Muse song and we embarassed the Halfling (who seems oh so mellow these days and no longer her garang self) by having to go on stage when the band sang her the birthday song.

Itu sahaje ye? Sekian.