Thursday, September 14, 2006


Lovely Ladies and Gregarious Gentelmen,

Welcome to the Priory! Thanks to the lissom mind of the lithesome ginger cat we fondly hail as
WongAhBeng, the Priory that is the Home of the Beautiful People otherwise known as the Perverted Cacklers has seen a surge in visitors.

To all, we extend a warm welcome.

My Pretty Pudendums and Pitiful Prickheads;

We believe that many of you are first-time visitors and like inexperienced virgins uninformed with the worldly ways of the wonderful Priory, we would like to take you on a trip to familiarise yourself with the pleasant population of the Priory.

The Beautiful People of the Priory were initially individuals who discovered each other when they made
Xanga their virtual home. It started with Leen and Ariel, the two Founding members, followed by Miss Little Sunshine and Cookie. Later, they roped in the Babe, Too0ooTs and finally the Snots. Then we became the Priory of the Perverted Cacklers.

And now, my pretty periwinkles and puny penises; it gives the Beautiful People great pleasure to start on the introduction of each of the member of the Priory. We will start with:

Leen – Master Story Teller (as proven time and again from her long-winded blog entries); also a Diva who does not believe in punctuality. A Brainiac that is not quite a Braggart. Sings Zombie better than the Cranberries.

Ariel – Also a Master Story Teller. Writer by Profession. Scrabble Champion. Drama Queen. Moody and Temperamental (but that is expected as she belongs to the creative elitist group). Has the tendency in attracting ghosts and ghouls with her presence.

Cookie – Bridget Jones of Malaysia. Her life is full of amusing anecdotes. Fantastic mover on the Dance Floor. Sleaze-magnet who is quite Compliant with Instructions and Orders. .A Jet-setter in the making (she’s heading for New York pretty soon).

Sunshine – A Brainiac. Ferocious and Fiery. Virtuous. An Electrifying Beauty. Least IT-Savvy by choice (which explains her absence from the Contributor panel on the right). A Mommy-in-the-Making.

Babe – Janda Gatal. Indecisive. A Gorgeous Midget that is Getting Fatter each day. Highly-strung. An Ingrate and A Bimbo. Oldest and Shortest in the Group.

ToOoTs – Fashionista and a Trend-Setter. Sexy and Smart Dame who pretends to be a Bimbo. Another Wordsmith. Brimming with Creative Ideas. Very Receptive. Kararoke Junkie. Catchphrase is “I girl, I shy.”

Snots – Exotic. Part Italian. Athletic and Tall. Another Brainiac. Mean Futsal Player. Quite Anal and Suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Another Jet-setter who is heading for Paris real soon.

My amusing antelopes and comical cuntlovers;

With the little preamble, we hope that you have gotten to know each of us a little better. The common mission of the Beautiful People is of course to have fun in all that we do and spread the joy around. Do visit us again and perhaps when you leave this blog, you have a beautiful smile plastered on your face.

Before we conclude, we would again like to thank the cat that is Wong Ah Beng for the platform he has kindly given us to promote ourselves (we are also attention-whores), as well as those who have kindly voted us despite our inability to buy them chapattis and vandaloos.

From the bottom of our bags, we thank you.

Previous entries for today can be found
here and here.