Fellow Pudendas!!!
that leaves me
on Friday or not?"
And then i lost track of who else has what on when...
odus moperandi modus operandi
The One Who Can't Seem To Register As A Member
No Matter What She Tries
But Has Yet To Give Up
We Are The Happy Happy Joy Joy Pudenda! (Prickly, Pugnacious, Pretty, Provocative, Palpitatious, Pleasant, Pure)
Further to the above, Other Contributors are not disallowed, prohibited, wrist-slapped, deterred, banned, blocked, obstructed and/or outlawed and in fact encouraged, to promote, market, cheapsale or otherwise act in the manner that brings forward to the promotion and upwards bringing to the limelight of any particular Contributor for the betterment of Contributor's seemingly bland social, moral and love life.
3. I hope my proposed amendment will be given due consideration by fellow Contributors.